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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Before March 2012 ends

Long time no see? XD
Gonna write something before March ends.

March is a busy month for UTAR students.
All assignments due date, mid term, and presentation come together in March.
I, of course, experience this too.
The week when presentation or assignments due, I surely will sleep in the midnight one.
*Gahhh, leading unhealthy lifestyle :(

Faced a lot of problems. Did I grow to be more mature and see things in a better way?
I guess not yet.
The feeling of being trapped in problems really s*cks.
The feeling of searching for exit, heart tears apart.
I hate being trapped, it's like... so helpless.
I can only pray, "O God, deliver me..."

Should say less about unhappy stuff.
Life, is all about how you look at it, I mean, how you interpret it.

Love this quote from Charine -

(Sorry that I can't translate this exactly for you guys. It roughly means focus less on sadness, focus more on joyfulness. Reduce anger, enhance forgiveness. Lessen unfortunate, multiply blessings. All by God's power.)

Let us all +jia youuuuussss+ together. :D

Till then. <3

Will blog more next time.
Imissblogging. Ilovewritingoutmystory.